by Bonnie | Jul 4, 2013 | FREE! Downloads!, Music Classroom Resources, Music Literacy, Rhythm |
Everyone is always looking for ways to keep students moving forward in their understanding and when we have the right tools in hand we can do just that. This activity made me AND my math coach very happy. If you are in a teaching situation where you are constantly...
by Bonnie | Jul 2, 2013 | FREE! Downloads!, Music Classroom Resources, Music Literacy, Rhythm
Here is where things start getting interesting in the land of musical math! I find that often students really don’t understand note value until they have a chance to use the relative values we assign within the context of math. Experienced musicians quickly...
by Bonnie | Jul 1, 2013 | FREE! Downloads!, Music Classroom Resources, Music Literacy, Rhythm
Here is a worksheet that have used in a variety of situations as needed. I like it because it’s not very long. This is the first of 3 worksheets. This first one serves mostly as a review or a way to “prime the pump” so that students can remember...
by Bonnie | Jun 25, 2013 | Classroom Organization, Music Classroom Resources, Online Resources for the Music Class, Professional Development, Reflections and Caveats, Technology, Technology, Tips and Tricks, What to record |
Sometimes a simple recording can make your life easier. Sometimes a simple recording can make your lesson run smoother. Sometimes a recording can help you keep your voice healthy so that you can teach another day. I find that taking the time to record the following...
by Bonnie | Jun 21, 2013 | Classroom Organization, Music Classroom Resources, Reflections and Caveats, Technology, Technology, Tips and Tricks, What to record
As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, having an app that makes it easy to record on a device that is easy to use and easy to carry means that I am more mindful and therefore have found myself recording MUCH more often than I used to. Here are my favorite things...
by Bonnie | Jun 18, 2013 | Classroom Organization, digital portfolio, Music Classroom Resources, Professional Development, Reflections and Caveats, Technology, What to record |
I’ve noticed that more and more teachers, both music and general education teachers are recording their students. It’s easy to do. Both voice recording apps and hand held digital recorders have become so common place that it’s almost as popular as...