5 strategies for passing out “stuff” without losing your mind
One challenge common among music teachers is the challenge of setting up classroom routines and procedures when you don't see students very often. Additionally, any given music class can have a variety of different teaching scenarios, like movement activities,...

Refreshing, Reflecting and Rejoicing!
This fall has been an absolute whirlwind! A full teaching schedule plus the additional work of grad school has meant that I am busier than ever. There are so many things to be grateful for! My dad is healthy - In September we celebrated the one year...
Star Wars and Piano – From the Top perfection!
A Jedi, A Princess, & Darth Vader Sit Down at a Piano – From t...A Jedi, A Princess, & Darth Vader Sit Down at a Piano...What Happens Next? Posted by From the Top on Friday, December 11, 2015

Choir Music I Love – 2
Kusimama by Jim Papoulis is one of those choral pieces that is both challenging and really fun to sing. I've had 5th graders at two different schools with various degrees of choral singing experience sing this piece very successfully and with great joy. It is a...