by Bonnie | Apr 11, 2013 | Music Classroom Resources, Performance Resources, Reflections and Caveats, Technology
I love how MP3 files and music editing software make the life of this music teacher easier. But I also love the simplicity of just singing and playing with students. I love how my Macbooks help me create environments for my students to learn in where classroom walls...
by Bonnie | Mar 5, 2013 | Carnival of the Animals, Music Classroom Resources, Music Listening, music listening map, Music Sub Plans |
Carnival of the Animals is just great music! There are about a thousand different activities and directions that you can explore with your students, so much so that this great work deserves several posts. Today I’m going to share with you how I like to...
by Bonnie | Feb 27, 2013 | Classroom Organization, Music Classroom Resources, Music Classroom Set up, Music Sub Plans
First let me say that on another day when I’m not home sick I’m going to write an entire series on my sub plans, how I organize them and keep them relevant. But for now, let me tell you about my FAVORITE organizational tool for my sub plans. Plastic...
by Bonnie | Feb 19, 2013 | Classroom Organization, digital portfolio, Music Classroom Resources, Technology, Technology
I am embarking on an adventure to make the use of technology easier and not such a big deal in my classroom. The easier and less time consuming it becomes then the more useful it will be for learning and the less time it will take. With that in mind, here are some...
by Bonnie | Jan 29, 2013 | Classroom Organization, Music Classroom Resources, Music Literacy, Rhythm, Tips and Tricks
I am so happy that when my students come to my class they expect to sing and dance and play instruments. After all, we are musicians and we make music! Making music is beautiful and making music is FUN! But even musicians have to get out pencil and paper sometimes...
by Bonnie | Jan 28, 2013 | Music Classroom Resources, Music Literacy, Recorders
My favorite way to help students remember the notes they can play and read on recorder is to have students make their own “cheat sheet”. Now ya’ll know that a “cheat sheet” is nothing more than a student created fingering chart, but...