by Bonnie | Feb 1, 2012 | Absolute Pitch, FREE! Downloads!, Music Classroom Resources, Music Literacy, Online Resources for the Music Class
Some people are just blessings! My first few years as a music teacher I was blessed to work with Meredith Leblanc who because of our time of working together has become a dear friend. When I was a clueless newbie music teacher, she was kind and patient. When I was...
by Bonnie | Jan 29, 2012 | Composition, Music Classroom Resources, Music Literacy, Online Resources for the Music Class
Yesterday on another blog that I write I told a story about a song my daddy used to sing to me when I was little. A music teacher friend of mine asked me about the tune of the song because I had decided to only type the lyrics.. I wanted to answer her well, so I...
by Bonnie | Jan 25, 2012 | Music Classroom Resources, Professional Collaboration, Reflections and Caveats |
I’m currently right in the middle of my 13th year as a music teacher 10 years at my first school and 2.5 years into teaching at my current school. And Ya’ll I wish that I had found out about a long time ago! I FINALLY discovered...
by Bonnie | Jan 23, 2012 | Music Classroom Resources |
What do popsicle sticks and googly eyes have to do with textbooks? Well, here is where you are going to find out! In music class we sing, we play games, we dance, we play instruments, we compose, we tell stories, and put on costumes….. BUT……...
by Bonnie | Jan 20, 2012 | Music Classroom Resources, Online Resources for the Music Class
This blog is taking me forever to write. Not because it’s so difficult but because it’s Thursday night and I’m “Thursday Tired”. The only level of tiredness that can trump “Thursday Tired” is “Friday Tired” which...
by Bonnie | Jan 16, 2012 | How to string a guitar, Music Classroom Resources
Confession: I am a music teacher who loves playing guitar, who plays rather poorly, but energetically. My guitar knowledge is limited at best, but since my students know less than I do, it works out alright. Having said that, I had a WONDERFUL guitar teacher Joanne...