2015 classroom tour 1



classroom 15

Here is the view from the door.

2015 classroom tour 2

To the right of the door, there is a wonderful bookshelf where I keep my classroom library.

For information about how I organize my library, click HERE

2015 classroom tour 3

I am trying to simply how I keep track of student papers, so I have folders and file boxes.  I will keep you posted about how it works.

I also have labeled all of my instruments.  For information about how I organized my unpitched instrument cabinet click HERE!

This is also where I sit when I am not moving around the room.  my computer is on the left.  I try to make sure that everything is within reach.

2015 classroom tour 4

I had to get used to my chalk board,  but the fact that it has such a nice color is a blessing.

My room is absolutely my “happy place”

2015 classroom tour 5

My piano and chairs and the beginning of my barred instruments.

2015 classroom tour 6

I am trying a new procedure for the way that my students access my barred instruments this year.  I’ll post about it later.

I’m also trying to have more shelf space and less clutter out, so I’ve minimized what is on my shelves with thoughts about how students will move around the room when they need to get their supplies.

2015 classroom tour 7

Recorder storage by class and day.  My 5th graders are going to bring theirs in which usually takes a while.  4th grade will order them in the fall so that we can start in the spring.

2015 classroom tour 8

This is my word wall.  Another goal that I have this year is to make sure that it grows over time so that vocabulary is not left off… For now, it is set up for the first day of school in 5th grade.

Behind the word wall doors in my unpitched instrument storage. I’ve added numbers to the rows so that I can easily find or direct students to retrieve the instruments.

2015 classroom tour 9

I added this curtain because I didn’t like the shelves without doors to be so visible, but I think they look a little silly… I need to work on them but probably won’t get to it this summer.

classroom 31

 I LOVE these posters!  I especially like that they are at eye level to my students when they are seated.  I know that my students will read these words and I hope that they take them to heart.