I am a Jesus follower who strives to live my life for His glory. I have almost completed my 19th year of teaching kinder-5th grade general music which is VERY hard to believe since I just got started at this yesterday… For the first 14 years, I taught in urban, Title 1 schools in Houston which I LOVED! I had the most wonderful students and taught with the most dedicated and hardworking people. For the last four (almost five) years, I have taught at a school in a nearby suburb of Houston which I also LOVE! I have the most wonderful students and get to teach with the most dedicated folks! For me teaching music has been an amazing and continuous journey of joy! About 7 years ago I started to blog about teaching music mostly because I’ve got more words than most people and writing serves as a natural siphon. Writing for this blog brings me great joy. However, I took a break from blogging for the last two years as I worked toward earning my Masters in Music Education from Kent State University. Now that I have completed my coursework, I am taking time to redesign and refocus my blog and look forward to what creativity will result.
I have grown to find great satisfaction in creating this blog. Each post is a reflection of my own attempts to be the best music teacher my students need me to be. Sometimes my posts are reflections of my own learning and observances. Sometimes my posts are all about something useful that I have found that makes my busy life a little easier. I also love it when I can be an encouragement to other music teachers who due to staffing are called upon to play the relentless part of the lone ranger on their campus.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this blog are my own and should be interpreted as my sole opinion when I write this blog, I don’t represent any particular organization. The instructional ideas that I share are either original or credited to the people who to the best of my knowledge had the idea first.
Images: It is always my intention to ensure that the information and images that I use are appropriately credited. As such, please know that the majority of the images used on this website are either photographs that I took myself, or have been purchased through stock xchange, and/or adobe images and to the best of my understanding, are being used in accordance with their individual license agreements. If an image of a product, book or resource appears on my blog that is not a personal photo or one obtained through one of the aforementioned services, the credits are usually contained in the image itself, so the name of the product or company is easily discernible. My sole intention is to share the good work of others in hopes that those individuals who create the best resources will continue to do so.
Music: If you would like to use any of the music files contained in on this blog, please ask. Thanks!
Resources and FREE Downloads: If you download any of the free materials from my blog, please use them for educational purposes only.
Disclosures: I am a participant in Google AdSense and I am also an Amazon associate.